What is G’zox® detailing?

Mohs scale is a ten-point scale that characterizes hardness of minerals, spanning
from 1 (talcum, which can be scratched with a fingernail) to 10 (diamond, which can scratch any other mineral and itself can be only scratched by another diamond).
G'ZOX® coatings are made of quartz, which is 7 in Mohs scale.
We record every aspect of the condition of the car on dedicated forms. We check the paintwork and body as well as the interior of the vehicle, levels of fluids, condition of rims, thickness of the tyre tread, door and window gaskets and even the dates of the next technical inspection. We pass the inspection document to the customer.
We have a complete diagnostic line suitable for all types of vehicles and a state-of-the-art 3D laser chassis geometry station. We can perform a full inspection of the car, set the optimal wheel geometry and if the inspection date is approaching, our vehicle inspection station is authorized to perform technical tests as well.
Depending on the selected service or on the customer's request, we are performing engine and chassis detailing, supplementing the corrosion protection if necessary and ensuring excellent condition of the car even in places that are rarely looked after.
We're quipped with excellent paint thickness equipment and we can indicate the shortcomings of factory or workshop painting processes. We can also remove any of them.